Bouncer, Eggdrop

What is Bouncer (BNC)?

A BNC is a gateway for your IRC connections, it serves to hide your true IP which avoids the risk of hacking, but it also allows you to record in your absence the discussions you receive in private as well as messages written on the channels where you are. An IRC bounce remains connected to the IRC (or chat network) even once your computer turns off. There are different bouncer, like ZNC, Ezbounce or PsyBNC …

We use ZNC on our network, if you wish to have a free BNC (only valid for the moment on our network), contact us on the Chan #toile-libre

What is a Eggdrop?

An eggdrop is an IRC robot that allows many possibilities than the service bottles of your favorite network do not provide. In addition to the guarding function of your IRC channel (Chat), it can allow multiple activities, such as offering connected lines (quizzes …), stats, interactivity with those who speak, or even help users to find themselves there.
