Our servers

HereĀ“s how technically works the Toile-libre associationĀ :

We have the desire to be as independant as possible. That is why all ours serveurs belong to us, and are in places of confidence far from the major players of the internet and (therefore) to the shelter of the indiscreets.

We separate the service as much as possible, the mails for example are ethical hosted in Marseille at Lost-oasis, and restonded on a server in Paris. The name servers are dispatched for between Paris, Marseille and Courbevoie. Development platforms are hosted in Paris. Web serves, are on Courbevoie.

We use a clustered architecture to have a better tolerance to the breakdown, since this is not easy to maintain a critical infrastructure that does not occur to intervene physically on servers in a short time in case of problem, moreover. We supplies power and flexibility, allowing its pending evolution.

As for the IRC network, the various servers are placed machines dedicated to Saint Denis, Paris, Marseille, Toulouse, or at Courbevoie.

We exploit our own Internet network and are joining the independent operator Gitoyen.

We are currently testing our virtual server platform.

Here are some pictures of our infrastructure:

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photos by Emmanuel REVAH manurevah.com