Databases SQL

the SQL on Toile-Libre

Are we limited?

The answer is no. To date, on Toile-Libre, the number of databases and information contained is not limited. On the other hand, you imagine that we do not have an infinity of servers and that the laws of physics should be seriously challenged to arrive at this technical feat:o. Concretely, for a “modest” site, do not worry about that, there will surely be no problem .

How to create a database?

As with any creation, you have to go to the panel group management page, then click on the name of the group concerned. Finally, choose __ “Create” __ in __ “MySQL Bases” __ or in __ “PGSQL Bases” __. Fill out the form and hold the password and the name of the base and validate. You will then receive an email confirming you creation.

Note that during the request, the name of the BDD No must not exacer 16 characters . (at 10/04/15 the creation of bases in pgsql, does not work.)

Is there a web interface to handle its data?

You can use phpmyadmin and phppgadmin on The username is the full name__ of the SQL database. The password that selected for creation. For phpMyAdmin, you must choose __ “” __ as a server. You will need to use these same information when connecting via PHP for example.