Support us!

Bank transfer

You can transfer us directly from money to our account. A priori, you can also deposit us with free money in any post office, by blue card or species.

The RIB number of the account (for transfers from France) is: RIB: 20041 01017 0822613C028 19;

For transfers from abroad: IBAN: FR72 2004 1010 1708 2261 3C02 819 , BIC: PSSTFRPPGRE;

For more info, contact us on


Flattr is a recent average monthly payment set up in particular by a member of Pirate Bay by being suitable for the use of the Internet. Its principle is to feed its Flattr account once a month, the money is then distributed between the different sites supported by clicking this button.



As a last resort, you can possibly use PayPal to give us a donation, without forgetting that it is a society that takes a very important margin on each transaction.



You can also make a cash donation by giving this money in hand to a member of the office, and if possible to the Treasurer or the President, and by signing proof of this gift.