DIY “do it yourself”

What is it?!

It is a political organization (in the broad sense of the term: organization of a company / structure) alternative, based on the principles of self-management, participatory and collaborative creation, and independence.

In concrete terms, it’s a way of doing things without depending on other structures, in order to be free of our choices. It is certainly a utopia, but getting closer is not impossible, far from it! At what level ?

It is obvious that Toile-libre is far from having, for the moment, the means to be totally independent: we do not have our own network, our own IP addresses, our own peerings agreements, our own bay,. .. but the goal is obviously to get away from it. It seems that we have come there … :-)

We do the most things by ourselves: developments (user panel, if, scripts), administration of our servers and our IP network, ….

We reject any external institution, especially if it has an economic and / or political interest.