Send Your first page

Send your files

FTP / FTPS protocols


To send your files, you must have created a web space on the Toile-libre panel. You also need an FTP client. An FTP client is a software that is responsible for communicating your computer with the server that contains your files. In other words, you can, with an FTP client, send files. There are a multitude of FTP customers and, to start, we will work here with FileZilla, free client. You can download it on the official project site (also available on deposits, depending on your distribution, it is more or less stable).

The FTP protocol

With Toile-Libre, when you create a web space, an FTP account is associated with you.

Here are the connection information to use: '

Host / Address: 

Server Type: FTP - File Transfer Protocol 

Identifier: your username on the panel (here "toilelibre") 

Password: Your password on the panel. 

Log in with your FTP client.

If you get to connect but you have a problem of access to the repertoires, try to use FileZilla

Your FTP space has some structure:

/ (root) / testgroup / / htdocs / php-included / tmp / / one_other_project ... / again_one_other…

Your available online pages will have to be placed in the “htdocs” directory. For example, you want to send a file named “page1.html” on your server, you will first need to create it on your computer, with any text editor, and save it to the desired format (HTML, PHP …). Then, with your FTP client, log in to your server. For example, if you have saved your file on “The desktop”, look in the FTP client’s left column to find its name. Then, in the left column, it’s the server tree. As seen above, you must place you in the “htdocs” folder. That is, it should nothing be in the file the first time.

/! \ CAUTION /! : Do not create the “Htdocs” folder yourself on the server.

This operation is performed by the robots during the request to create a webarea. If you do not see this folder, then you have to make that request.

Basic example, send a “page1.html” containing a simple HELLO WORLD

Then go to